measure up

Measure up is a unique lamp created from a 1940’s 1950’s Surveyors staff.

As the staff is a historic piece I did not want to sacrifice it, the brackets I designed are a saddle and the staff is held without fixings.

The 6 lamps I have selected a warm white, a daylight would work as well,

The lamp brackets are designed as a gimble to direct light to a specific location.

The lamp pods are manufactured in house, hand-made glass inserts give the pods their colour and the aura on the ceiling.

I have selected an olive green because it works with the timber staff but this can be changed out.

I added copper to the ceiling mounts to give a more historic feel.

The staff telescopes to 16 feet and in imperial measures, I am using about 11 feet (3.3 meters)

If you have any questions dont hesitate to contact me through my email.
